Social Media Video Training Nonprofits

This social video training covers best-practice for creating social videos that gain engaged views, including social video planning, design and distribution.

Social Media Video Training for Charities and Nonprofits

Video’s accelerating rise to prominence on social platforms and strategy, has been one of the big social media stories of recent years. Video-content offers commxunicators a fantastic opportunity to engage with huge and growing audiences. However, meeting the demands of quality, diversifying formats, platforms and communities, can can make video expensive, time-consuming and demanding.

This video training course cover current best-practice across key platforms and formats, helping you with optimal video content creation and distribution.

Content creators and commissioners will be guided in planning video that will be seen and shared, delivering ROI across multiple platforms. A practical checklist will focus on best-practice elements like styles, length, audio, graphics, versions-by-platform and more. Attendees leaving the course will feel more confident in sourcing and producing really effective video.

As important as creating the right content, is the distribution.

Optimising release of video, once produced and signed off, is key to it being seen by browsers and search engines.

This session will cover how to ensure video is search-engine-optimised and clickable across key platforms, as well as how to squeeze the most views from one video, with multiple edits and releases.

Accessibility in regards to disabilities and languages is covered.

Perfect for:

  • Anyone commissioning or creating video
  • Staff managing external video channels, e.g. YouTube and Facebook
  • People who want to increase the performance of their video content
Not Enrolled
$ USD $25/month

Course Includes

  • Course Certificate