Simply the best: Top 10 blog posts (Q1 2012)

From now on, every quarter we will share with you the best blog posts published in the past quarter.

If you don’t have time to read all the valuable information that we publish, at least read these 10…

We’re glad to see that 3 new crowdbloggers who recently joined are an instant success! Congrats Vera (1), Kimberley (8) and Brock (9)!

According to our readers these are the best blog posts of the first quarter of 2012:

(1) Unexpected (?) fundraising tool: your ears as your money makers – Vera Peerdeman
(2) Climate change needed for donor centric fundraising! – Reinier Spruit
(3) The 5 fastest growers and their recipe for success – Reinier Spruit and Ramses Man
(4) Get away from your desk and remind yourself WHY – Margaux Smith
(5) Reader Beware: Contains Dangerous Ideas on How to Motivate (F2F) Fundraisers! – Jack Ryan
(6) It’s you, not me – Rebecca Davies
(7) How my pissed off donor came back… – Gerbren Deves
(8) I’m awesome. You’re awesome. We’re AWESOME… aren’t we? – Kimberley MacKenzie
(9) Un-define fundraising – Brock Warner
(10) Fundraising almost always involves “change” – Mitch Hinz

You are more than welcome to re-publish these blog posts elsewhere. If you do, please add that it “has been published prior on 101fundraising – Crowdblog on Fundraising” with a link to our crowdblog. We’d appreciate it if you inform us. Thanks!


Source: Google Analytics 1 January – 30 March 2012.
This top 10 blog posts is based on pageviews.
Pageviews for blog posts published in both Dutch and English are combined.
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