Best Fundraising Blog Honoree!

Today, on the exact same day as our two-year blog anniversary, we have some EXCITING NEWS, because 101fundraising has been chosen as one of two Best Fundraising Blog honorees in FundRaising Success‘ 2013 Fundraising Professionals of the Year Awards!

To quote the editor-in-chief Margaret Battistello Gardner:

“Thank you so much for this fantastic contribution to the sector.”

The February issue of FundRaising Success explains further:

“FS Senior Editor Joe Boland and I agree we wanted to give Special Mention to the 101fundraising blog. This internationally crowdsourced blog came out strong and just keeps getting better. The global insights from some of the world’s most innovative and thoughtful fundraisers are always a pleasure to read. 

With contributors weighing in from all over the world and representing every type of mission, organization and job title, you just never know what you’re going to get on this blog — other than well-written, informative and entertaining insights on fundraising, that is!”

Thank you FS, Margaret and Joe!

The 101fundraising team is very grateful obviously. We feel proud and honored, but could not have done it without the help of our crowd, our bloggers and readers! This crowdblog belongs to all bloggers, so it’s just as much their award!


PS. Our award is the Editors’ Choice. The blog chosen by the FS readers is Congratulations Claire Axelrad!

PPS. Over the course of the past 2 years we’ve published more than 200 posts, but we have room for much more, so if you feel like joining the crowd… click here!

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